The organization of the Turin Botanical Garden
The Botanical Garden is part of the Department of Life Sciences and Systems Biology of the University of Turin.
The Rector of the University appoints a Director who identifies, coordinates and implements the scientific lines and didactic programs. Since 2012 the director is Prof. Consolata Siniscalco.
Currently, 1 permanent gardener and two seasonal agricultural laborers are part of the staff.
It has been open to the public since 1997.
Guided visits for school groups are possible all year round and are managed directly by the Botanical Garden.
Guided visits for the public are possible from mid-April to mid-October on weekends and holidays and are entrusted to an external Company or Cooperative. In 2020 the winning company of the contract is the Social Enterprise "Xké?" srl.
The guides who carry out the guided tours are graduates in Natural Sciences, Biological Sciences, Forest Sciences or Agricultural Sciences.
It is a member of BGCI, Botanical Gardens Conservation International.
Collaborates with the Botanical Gardens and Historical Gardens Group of the Italian Botanical Society.
It belongs to the Network of naturalistic and scientific museums and presidia of the Piedmontese natural sciences, coordinated by the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences of Turin.
In 1998 the "Friends of the Botanical Garden of Turin" association was established, which aims to contribute to the financing of the maintenance activities of the Botanical Garden, to organize moments of cultural interest related to botany, to make known the Botanical Garden, involving the members in achieving the objectives.
The Botanical Garden avails itself of the support of the Compagnia di San Paolo.