
Le Arnie nel Boschetto dell'Orto Botanico (foto L. Domenis)


The apiary of the Turin Botanical Garden was inaugurated on 12 June 2010, thanks to a project conceived by Lorenzo Domenis and Marco Cucco based on the example of innovative international experiences that they found in the roofs, balconies, parks and gardens of the major metropolises world championships (New York, Toronto, London, Paris and Melbourne) a space favorable to the breeding of bees


In addition to exploiting the nectar potential of the Piedmontese capital, the beehives of the Garden today constitute an agro-zootechnical educational center, capable of offering students of Turin schools and visiting tourists a practical demonstration, in the heart of the city, of the techniques traditionally used in beekeeping.


The bee families, housed in the Boschetto area, produce a wildflower honey that is declined with different aromas from spring to summer, reflecting the floral and botanical variety of the urban environment: the horse chestnut nectars, harvested at the end of April, are followed by those of acacia and ailanthus in May, linden and chestnut trees in June and July; with the honeydew, in which the bees concentrate, in August, the sap that groans from the trees, the productive season ends and the swarms, after the great efforts, can finally store precious stocks in view of the long subalpine winter.


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